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Carpet Fashion? Not bad!

FASHION - Home decor never looked so haute. Home décor company Korhani has turned its decorative carpets into haute couture at Toronto's Fashion Week Monday this week. The manufacturer based in Toronto and creative director Kirsten Korhani repurposed its rugs for the runway, showing off Mongolian rug inspired capes, studded pants and regal looking gowns all using a rug as a central part of the design. This is actually the third time the company has pulled this publicity stunt, but it is still eye-catching. “We’re trying to evolve, make it better, make it more interesting,” says Kirsten Korhani. “We have to step it up every season.” Korhani says the new collection has a wider selection of garments with “more diversification” in style and construction. In the past Korhani’s off-beat shows have raised the company’s profile, so it just proves fashion can also be good publicity. And since their designs keep improving and getting attention it proves people don't get bored of it eith...

Fashion Photography: Guide for the Inept

Observe the fashion of photography... EXAMPLE #1: THE BAD GIRL EXAMPLE #2: A BLONDE IN A BIKINI EXAMPLE #3: THE BROODING MISFIT EXAMPLE #4: THE PLAIN JANE EXAMPLE #5: THE ARTSY TYPE Now you may be getting the point... photographers and models are chosen to convey specific stereotypical looks for different fashion products. The goal in the end product (advertising) is to get the viewer to identify with the woman in the photo and want to be more like that... And then run out and buy jeans, jewelry or whatever they happen to be selling. Often they will throw in a semi-shaved ruggedly good looking male model in a clear effort to say... "Buy this and you will get a handsome man!" And it works very easily because people are basically stupid and fall for it even when they know they're being pitched advertising.

Prostitution in the Fashion Industry

FASHION / SEX - Say what??? If you didn't notice or know that there was rampant prostitution (and drugs) in the fashion industry you would have to be sticking your head in the sand. Its there. People don't really talk about it that much. You certainly won't see it mentioned in glossy fashion magazines wherein advertisers don't want to upset the feminists by talking about the rampant problems within the fashion industry (sweatshops, child slavery, anorexia , bulimia , overemphasis on beauty, toxic chemicals in makeup, etc). But WE are not a glossy fashion magazine. We can talk about stuff they won't talk about. Regardless of what you've seen in films like Pretty Woman , being used for sex is not a love story. Its a heartbreaking, nerve wracking and depressing experience often coupled with drug addiction and an abusive relationship with one's pimp. A more realistic film to watch would be the French film "Baise Moi"... except cut out the part where...

How to convert a Hoodie into a bag for your laptop

FASHION meets TECHNOLOGY - How to convert a Hoodie into a bag for your laptop.

Who is Patrizia?

FASHION - I just really like the smart way they did this advertising campaign... keeps the focus on the clothes, not the model's face.

James Laver's Law of Fashion

FASHION - James Laver was a museum curator for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London from the 1930s through the 1950s. Laver was also a fashion theorist and historian and having no other claim to fame he conceived of Laver’s Law — an attempt to make sense of the "fashion trend life cycle". Here is James Laver's Law of Fashion: Indecent 10 years before its time Shameless 5 years before its time Outré (Daring) 1 year before its time Smart Current Fashion Dowdy 1 year after its time Hideous 10 years after its time Ridiculous 20 years after its time Amusing 30 years after its time Quaint 50 years after its time Charming 70 years after its time Romantic 100 years after its time Beautiful 150 years after its time What is interesting is that James Laver's Law of Fashion's has become the standard by which clothes buyers now operate. ie. Stanley Marcus, the former president of Neiman Marcus, recounts in his rather boring memoir tit...

Fashion Masks

FASHION - Because pretty dresses and masquerade masks will ALWAYS be chic and kewl.